G.I. Marchuk Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Computing Center of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Environmental Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Department of Earth Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences organize the All-Russian Conference and School of Young Scientists with international participation on Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences (CITES-2025, June 16 - 26 2025, Moscow, Russia). The school will be held on June 16 - 20 and the conference will be held on June 23 - 26.
The School and Conference are held within the framework of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of G.I. Marchuk and 80th anniversary of V.N. Lykosov, who made an outstanding contribution to the formation and development of mathematical modeling of the Earth system in Russia and the world.
The Program Committee will invite key specialists to make invited presentations (30 min.) on new results and the most promising directions of research development at the plenary section. Preliminary regulations of oral reports - 15 min. The status of the announced report is determined by the Program Committee. Reports of graduate and undergraduate students, as a rule, will be presented in the form of short oral reports (5 min.). Extended materials of short oral presentations will be discussed at the poster sections.
Presentations are invited on the development of Earth system model components, in particular models of processes in the atmosphere, ocean, near-surface and active land layer (including the development of dynamical blocks), representation of uncertainties in observational data and models, and information systems, databases and machine learning in Earth science problems. The Program Committee also welcomes papers on regional interdisciplinary applications covered by the Future Earth Programme and the Northern Eurasia Future Initiative.
A competition named after V.N. Lykosov, an outstanding Soviet and Russian scientist in the field of mathematical modeling of geophysical processes, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, will be held within the framework of the Conference. The competition is held between young scientists who have presented in person in the nominations “the best oral report” and “the best poster report”. When evaluating the reports, the scientific level, the degree of completion of the work and the correspondence of the topic to the scientific interests of V.N. Lykosov are taken into account. According to the results of the competition, the materials of the winners' reports will be recommended for submission to the leading national journals:
The abstracts of the papers presented at the conference will be published in the Collection of Conference Abstracts as an electronic resource and presented on the event website.
Presentations of the papers will be published on the conference website with the permission of the authors.
Format of the school and conference
The school will be held in face-to-face format, some of the lectures will be presented to the audience via videoconferencing.
The conference is planned to be face-to-face; online presentations are possible as an individual exception at the discretion of the program committee.
The working languages of the CITES conference are Russian and English.
CITES-2025 events will be held in Moscow: the conference - in the building of the Presidium of RAS, school - in INM RAS.
Main topic of the school: «Atmospheric Dynamics: Modeling, AI, Interpretation».
Leading experts in this field (Academician V.A. Semenov, Prof. A.A. Baklanov, Dr. I.V. Oseledets and others) will give invited lectures, which will provide young scientists with an up-to-date overview, allowing them to focus their professional attention on solving the most demanded and promising research and applied problems.
Practical sessions of the school will be held at INM RAS. The topics will be considered:
Selected presentations of the school students with the results of practical assignments will be presented at the sections of the conference.
The Siberian Center for Climate-Ecological Research and Education, Institute of Numerical Mathematics RAS, Institute of Optical Monitoring SB RAS, Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics and Tomsk State University with the support of the EC INCO Program and with the assistance of the Russian National Committee of the International Geosphere-Biosphere Program held an International School of Young Scientists and Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences from September 1 to 11, 2003.
On the first day of the 7-day school, leading Russian specialists working in this field gave lectures to graduate students and young scientists from CIS countries on the state and main fundamental and applied problems of the field:
During 5 days three specialized courses of lectures were delivered to the students of the school:
The lecture courses were supplemented by practical sessions. During these sessions, groups of 3-4 people were able to use information and computational resources of the Siberian Center for Climate-Ecological Research and Education to perform the obtained tasks on modeling of specific situations related to the ecological state of the atmosphere in Tomsk.
On the last day of the training, each group presented their results in a 15-minute report in front of all participants of the School. After the training, the participants went to an international conference where they could share their achievements and learn new knowledge in their areas of interest. The conference featured several invited one-hour lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts on modern problems in the development of computational and information technologies and their application in environmental sciences.
At the end of the School, the participants were given certificates containing information about the courses attended and the grades of the completed assignments.
Thanks to the support of RFBR, INTAS and EU, the Organizing Committee was able to partially or fully cover the participants' participation costs. The selection of candidates and determination of the form of support was based on the questionnaires that were sent by the participants.
A four-day conference on Computational and Information Technology for Environmental Sciences was held from September 8-11, 2003. It was held immediately after the lecture courses and focused on state-of-the-art modeling tools and information technologies in atmospheric physics and chemistry and their applications in environmental research.
The main goal of the conference was to fill the gap between the advances in basic science and their practical applications in computational and information technologies for environmental sciences. It was also intended to contribute to the dissemination of new knowledge and results among specialists, especially young scientists.
The conference consisted of several consecutive sessions with invited lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations. One of the sessions was devoted to monitoring of international projects in the field of environmental research implemented in CIS and funded by INTAS, EU and other donor organizations.
The official languages of the conference were Russian and English. Simultaneous translation of speeches was organized.
The support of sponsors made it possible to fully or partially cover the costs for a number of researchers from CIS countries and to reduce to reasonable limits the organizational fee for all CIS participants.
The abstracts and the conference program were published in conventional and electronic form. Invited lectures, invited talks and papers recommended by the program committee were published in a special issue of the peer-reviewed international journal “Computing Technologies”. The remaining papers were published in the form of the conference proceedings and are available in electronic format.
The following issues were also addressed under this topics:
Invited lectures and reports:
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Conference Secretary:
The Siberian Center for Climate and Ecological Research and Education (SC CLIO) in cooperation with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (INM), the Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IMCES), the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVMiMG), Novosibirsk State University and the Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IVT), with the support of the EC INCO and INTAS Program, organized an eleven-day scientific and educational event CITES-2005
As part of this event, which took place from March 13 to 19, the School of Young Scientists on Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences was held. This school became a platform for exchanging experience and knowledge, as well as for discussing current issues in this area.
On the first day of the school, leading experts in this field, members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, gave four introductory lectures of a general nature. Then, participants were able to listen to three eight-hour special lecture courses. The course on data assimilation methods included 20 hours of practical classes, in which groups of 3-4 people were given the opportunity to build numerical schemes for algorithmic implementation and practical application of data assimilation, using the information and computing resources of the Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics and the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the last day of classes, each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work, which was discussed by the school participants.
Since March 20, young scientists and lecturers took part in the international conference CITES-2005, where their audience was supplemented by famous scientists and experienced scientific managers from the CIS and European research organizations engaged in environmental studies. During the conference, leading Russian and foreign specialists presented several additional invited hour-long lectures devoted to modern problems of the development of information and computing technologies and their application in environmental sciences.
At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates indicating the list of courses attended and the assessment of the results of the work performed.
The school was held with the financial support of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the United Academic Council for Mathematics and Informatics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the INTAS Young Scientists School program. Partial funding was also provided by the EC ENVIROMIS-SSA grant (CT-2003-502246), which covered the costs of participation in the school and conference for selected young scientists and a number of conference participants.
The scientific program of the school focused on two modern and rapidly developing areas of information and computing technologies in environmental sciences: data assimilation and remote sensing. On the first day, four general introductory lectures were given by members of the Russian Academy of Sciences:
In addition, three eight-hour special lecture courses were given:
The data acquisition course was accompanied by 20 hours of practical training under the guidance of specially trained instructors. Classes were held in the computer labs of the ICMMG and IVT.
Conference sections:
The following issues were also considered within the framework of this topic:
The scientific program of the CITES conference included special invited lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts on key issues of information-computing technologies and their application in environmental sciences. Among the speakers who agreed to speak were Dr. G. Begni (MEDIAS, France), Prof. V. Bogolyubov (National Agrarian University of Ukraine), Prof. G. Erokhin (Ugra Research Institute of Information Technologies, Russia), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A. Fedotov (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Russia), Academician A.S. Alekseev, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences B. Mikhailenko and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Mikhailov (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Computational Mathematics). Mikhailov (Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Russia), Dr. S. Nilsson (IIASA, Austria), Prof. G. Rivin (Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS, Russia), Prof. V. Savinykh (Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography, Russia), Corresponding Member of RAS V. Voevodin (Moscow State University, Russia), Ph. Volodin (Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences), Prof. E. Zakarin (KazGeoCosmos, Kazakhstan), Corresponding Member of RAS V.L. Mironov (Institute of Physics SB RAS), and Marie Curie Program Chair Prof. S. Zilitinkevich (Helsinki University, Finland), as well as Academician O.F. Vasiliev (Institute of Water and Environmental Problems SB RAS).
A limited number of initiative papers were selected for oral presentation. Lecture notes and presentations, as well as poster and oral presentations of the school participants were published on the school website. Special disks and printed proceedings were also published for distribution to the participants.
The School and Conference were held in the premises of the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS and the Institute of Computational Technologies SB RAS in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk.
The participants of the School were selected on the basis of filled in questionnaires. The main criteria were the professional level of the participant, the number of his/her publications and recommendations, and the comments of his/her supervisor. These criteria were also applied for the distribution of financial support.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The organization of the CITES-2007 event was based on a concept implemented in Tomsk through the joint efforts of the staff of several institutes of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Tomsk universities. This concept has passed the test of time and became the basis for the School of Young Scientists and the International Conference on Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences.
The School of Young Scientists and the International Conference CITES-2007 were held at the Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Center for Climate-Ecological Research and Education. The event lasted 12 days: the school was held from July 14 to 19, and the conference - from July 20 to 25, 2007.
The main thematic areas of the school included computational technologies of impurity transport in geophysical media and information-computing aspects of environmental sciences. As part of the preparatory work, the organizing committee selected 60 young scientists to participate in the school. The Russian participants of the School (50 people) represented 19 scientific organizations and 10 higher educational institutions from 12 regions of the Russian Federation.
Traditionally, the school began with an "academic" day, during which several members of the Russian Academy of Sciences delivered one-and-a-half-hour lectures on topical issues of the selected topics. In particular, Academician V.P. Dymnikov presented a lecture discussing fundamental issues of modeling the transport and transformation of active and passive impurities in the atmosphere. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.S. Kholodov devoted his lecture to numerical methods for solving transport equations, and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.V. Voevodin spoke about supercomputer technologies for solving large problems. Professor V.I. Klyatskin began a course on the transport of impurities in stochastic environments, which was continued by Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Lykosov and A.S. Kholodov, Professor K.I. Kuznetsov, Doctors of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.E. Aloyan and S.P. Smyshlyaev, as well as Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.A. Tolstykh.
The course on information technologies included lectures by candidate of physical and mathematical sciences A.Z. Fazliev on knowledge representation and workflow management in information systems, as well as separate lectures by professors E.D. Vyazilov, E.P. Gordov and E.V. Kudashev. Vyazilov, E.P. Gordov and E.V. Kudashev. O. Mazurina told the school participants about the European Commission Framework Program for Research and Technological Development (2007-2013) and the development of scientific ties between EU countries and Russia.
During practical training (20 hours), young scientists in groups of 3-4 people performed tasks in computer classes at the Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics. They learned how to create an information system using the tools of the ATMOS information portal and integrate a number of applications related to the problem of atmospheric transport of impurities. The students of the school presented reports on their practical tasks.
The program of courses and practical classes was prepared by the directors of the school - Corresponding Member of RAS V.N. Lykosov and Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences A.Z. Fazliev. Practical classes were conducted by the staff of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS and IMCES SB RAS. Presentations of all lectures delivered at the school are available on the event website. The costs to support the participation of all young scientists were covered by targeted grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Asia Pacific Network for Global Change and the EU 6th Framework Program ENVIROMIS-2 project. In addition, a call for proposals for R&D was held among the young participants, which resulted in 15 of them receiving targeted funds from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, and the research results were presented at the conference in poster sessions.
After the school, the international conference CITES-2007 was held, which was organized as a series of meetings devoted to different aspects of the conference topics.
The Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality Meeting was held on July 21-22 and included the following sections: measurements of atmospheric composition and air quality; modeling of atmospheric composition and air quality; and information systems for air quality management.
Climate Change Assessment and Modeling Meeting was held on July 23 and consisted of sections on climate physics and climate change assessment of the northern region.
The Meeting on Integrated Regional Study of Siberia was held on July 24 and included sections on the development of information and computing infrastructure for the Integrated Regional Study of Siberia and environmental dynamics of Siberia in the context of global change and change in Northern Eurasia.
Meeting on Integrated Regional Study of Siberia was held on July 24 and included sections on the development of information and computing infrastructure for the Integrated Regional Study of Siberia and environmental dynamics of Siberia in the context of global change and change in Northern Eurasia.
The meeting on anthropogenic risks to the Siberian environment took place on July 25 and was based on research in the thematic areas of the Sixth Framework Program Enviro-RISKS project.
A meeting on anthropogenic risks to the Siberian environment was held on July 25 and was based on research in the thematic areas of the Sixth Framework Program Enviro-RISKS project.
One of the central topics of the conference was natural-climatic change in the Siberian part of Northern Eurasia, which was discussed at the meeting on integrated regional research of Siberia. The participants discussed the current status of this issue, the relationship between SIRS and NEESPI, as well as the role of the Russian National Committee for IGBP and its Siberian branch in the scientific and organizational processes of formation of the integrated regional study of Siberia as a major international program. Separate aspects of the same topic were devoted to the meeting on anthropogenic risks to the environment of Siberia, which in fact became an open one-day workshop on a major project.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Siberian Center for Climate and Environmental Research and Education (SC CLER) together with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Monitoring of Climate and Environmental Systems (IMCES) SB RAS, Siberian Federal University and Institute of Computational Modeling (ICM) SB RAS with the support of Asia Pacific Network held an eleven-day scientific and educational event including the CITES-2009 School for Young Scientists on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences and an international conference on the same topic.
During the school special attention was paid to statistical methods in environmental problems. Other aspects of the use of computational and information technologies in environmental sciences were also discussed. The chosen format of the school, proven by the organizers in previous events, provided young scientists with a unique opportunity not only to obtain up-to-date knowledge from experienced teachers and learn new research approaches, but also to develop skills in presenting their results at the conference. The conference also facilitated the establishment of fruitful contacts between researchers and school participants. The working language of the school was Russian.
During the first day, four general introductory lectures were presented by leading experts in the field from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Then, over the next five days, participants were given lecture courses accompanied by practical exercises.
The scientific program of the school included lecture courses devoted to the following areas: statistical methods and fundamental problems of atmospheric and ocean physics, data assimilation and Kalman filters, dynamic chaos and mathematical statistics, statistical justification of phenomenological models, Monte Carlo method and predictability theory, factor analysis and stability of estimates, statistical methods for long-term weather and climate forecasts. To consolidate and assimilate the material, the school participants were offered practical exercises in equipped computer classes.
During the first day, leading experts in the field from RAS institutes presented four one and a half hour introductory lectures:
During the next five days, the school participants listened to lecture courses in the morning. Practical classes were held in the afternoon. Groups of 3-4 people were given the opportunity to perform tasks on the basis of information and computing resources of the Siberian Federal University. On the last day of classes, each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work for discussion by the school participants. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of the courses attended and the results of their work.
The school participants (young scientists and lecturers) took part in the international conference CITES-2009, the audience of which was supplemented by a number of well-known scientists from research organizations focused on environmental studies. Also during the conference several additional invited one-hour lectures by leading Russian and foreign specialists on modern problems of information and computer technologies development, applications of these technologies in environmental sciences and certain topical problems of global changes were planned. The working language of the conference was English.
The CITES-2009 conference opened on July 11 with a one-day practical section on “The Ecological State of the Yenisei River”, followed by two days of basic conference sections and a two-day workshop of the Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) devoted to new research results on the manifestation of global change in Northern Eurasia. Within the framework of the meeting there was a section devoted to integrated regional environmental research in Siberia.
The conference program included the following sections:
The NEESPI workshop was held on July 14-15, 2009. Organizer – P. Groisman (USA).
The workshop program included a section on integrated regional research of Siberia. Organizers – Academician E.A. Vaganov and Prof. E.P. Gordov (Russia).
The program committee invited key experts in these fields to present invited papers on new results and directions for research development. A limited number of papers were selected for presentation.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Siberian Center for Climate and Ecological Research and Education (SC CLIO), together with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics (INM) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Monitoring of Climate and Ecological Systems (IMCES) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Siberian Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute (SibNIGMI), the Department of Informatization Problems of the TSC SB RAS, the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, Tomsk State University (TSU) and Tomsk University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (TUSUR), with the support of international organizations, held an eleven-day scientific and educational event consisting of a school for young scientists on computational and information technologies for environmental sciences CITES-2011 and an international conference dedicated to the same topic.
During the school, special attention was paid to regional climate modeling. Other aspects of the use of computational and information technologies in environmental sciences were also touched upon. The chosen school format, tested by the organizers during previous events, gave young scientists a unique opportunity not only to gain modern knowledge from experienced teachers and study new research approaches, but also to develop skills in presenting their results at the conference. The conference also provided an opportunity to establish fruitful contacts between researchers and school participants.
During the first day, leading experts in this field from institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences presented four introductory lectures of a general nature. Then, over the next five days, the participants were given a course of lectures. The lectures were accompanied by practical classes.
The working language of the school was Russian. The co-directors of the school were Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Lykosov and Professor E.P. Gordov.
The scientific program of the school included lecture courses devoted to the consideration of the following areas: monitoring and diagnostics of modern climate changes on a regional scale; sensitivity of the regional climate system to small external influences; the relationship between global and regional climate changes; mathematical and physical foundations of climate modeling: regional features; modern socio-economic and environmental consequences of regional climate change; scenarios of future climate changes and their regional consequences; adaptation to regional climate changes and mitigation of its negative consequences.
To consolidate and assimilate the material, the school participants had practical classes in equipped computer labs. Practical classes were held in the afternoon. Groups of 3-4 people were given the opportunity to complete tasks based on the information and computing resources of the TSC SB RAS, TSU and TUSUR. On the last day of classes, each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work for discussion by the school participants. To enhance the educational component, several additional one-hour invited lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts on modern problems of information and computing technologies development and application of these technologies in environmental sciences were planned during the conference. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of the courses they had attended and the results of the work they had completed.
The scientific program of the school included lecture courses devoted to the consideration of the following areas: monitoring and diagnostics of modern climate changes on a regional scale; sensitivity of the regional climate system to small external influences; the relationship between global and regional climate changes; mathematical and physical foundations of climate modeling: regional features; modern socio-economic and environmental consequences of regional climate change; scenarios of future climate changes and their regional consequences; adaptation to regional climate changes and mitigation of its negative consequences.
To consolidate and assimilate the material, the school participants had practical classes in equipped computer labs. Practical classes were held in the afternoon. Groups of 3-4 people were given the opportunity to complete tasks based on the information and computing resources of the TSC SB RAS, TSU and TUSUR. On the last day of classes, each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work for discussion by the school participants. To enhance the educational component, several additional one-hour invited lectures by leading Russian and foreign experts on modern problems of information and computing technologies development and application of these technologies in environmental sciences were planned during the conference. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of the courses they had attended and the results of the work they had completed.
The conference program included the following sections:
The NEESPI/SIRS Workshop chaired by Dr. P. Groisman, Professor E. Gordov and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences M. V. Kabanov was held on 12-13 July 2011. The workshop presented the results of the projects coordinated by NEESPI and SIRS. In particular, attention was paid to the dynamics of forests and wetlands under the influence of global climate change, as well as to the retreat of permafrost boundaries and the contribution of current and expected processes to the global carbon cycle.
The Program Committee invited key experts in these fields to give invited talks on new results and directions for research development. A limited number of papers were selected for oral presentation. The majority of papers were presented as short oral reports.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Siberian Center for Climate and Ecological Research and Education (SC CLIO) together with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics (INM) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Monitoring of Climate and Ecological Systems (IMCES) of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Research Computing Center (RCC) of Moscow State University, the Institute of Applied Mathematical Research of the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Water Problems of the North of the Karelian Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Karelian Research Center (Karelian Research Center) of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Petrozavodsk State University with the support of international organizations held a twelve-day scientific and educational event, including a school for young scientists on computational and information technologies for environmental sciences CITES-2013 and an international conference on the same topic.
The school focused on the study of the ocean and climate. In particular, the interaction of the atmosphere and the ocean, the atmosphere and hydrological objects of land on different time and space scales was considered. Other aspects of the use of computational and information technologies in environmental sciences were also touched upon. The chosen format of the school, tested by the organizers during previous events, provided young scientists with a unique opportunity not only to obtain up-to-date knowledge from experienced teachers and study new research approaches, but also to develop skills in presenting their results at the conference. The conference also contributed to the establishment of fruitful contacts between researchers and school participants.
During the first two days, leading experts in the field gave seven general introductory lectures. Then, over the next five days, participants were given special lecture courses, accompanied by practical classes.
The working language of the school was Russian. The co-directors of the school were Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Lykosov, Professor E.P. Gordov, and Professor V.V. Mazalov.
The scientific program of the school included lecture courses devoted to the consideration of the following areas:
The topics of the planned special courses included:
To consolidate and assimilate the material, the school participants took practical classes in equipped computer labs. Practical classes were held in the afternoon. Groups of 3-4 people were given the opportunity to complete tasks based on the information and computing resources of Petrozavodsk State University. Each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work for discussion by the school participants. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of the courses they had attended and the results of their work.
Then the school participants (young scientists and lecturers) took part in the international conference CITES-2013. The conference audience was supplemented by a number of well-known scientists from research organizations engaged in environmental studies. During the conference, several additional invited hour-long lectures by leading Russian and foreign specialists on modern problems of information and computing technology development, the application of these technologies in environmental sciences and individual topical problems of global change were also planned. The working language of the conference was English.
The CITES-2013 conference opened on August 31, 2013 with a practical section devoted to familiarization with the ecological state of the coastal zone of Lake Onega. During the section, a visit to the Kizhi Nature Reserve was planned. The cost of the trip to Kizhi was about 2.5 thousand rubles. and at the participant’s request could be included in the registration fee.
Thematic sections of the CITES conference began their work on September 1, 2013:
The NEESPI/SIRS working meeting chaired by PhD P. Groysman, Professor E. Gordov and Professor V. Mazalov was held on September 3-5, 2013. It was devoted to various aspects of regional climate change in Northern Eurasia and their relationship with global processes. The results of projects coordinated by NEESPI and SIRS were presented at the meeting. In particular, much attention was paid to the main theme of the school for young scientists - "Ocean and Climate". A detailed discussion of the further development/transformation of NEESPI and new initiatives dedicated to environmental research was also planned.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) SB RAS together with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics (INM) RAS, the Institute of Numerical Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (INM&MG) SB RAS, the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University and Tomsk State University (TSU) with the support of international organizations held a ten-day scientific and educational event consisting of a school for young scientists on computational and information technologies for environmental sciences CITES-2015 and an international conference on the same topic.
The Youth Scientists school was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician G.I. Marchuk, who made a decisive contribution to the development of computational and information technologies for environmental sciences. The topic of the international school was "Aerosols, trace gases and climate". During the first day, G.I. Marchuk's students - leading specialists in this field - presented introductory lectures of a general nature. Then, over the next five days, the participants were given special lecture courses. The lectures were accompanied by practical exercises.
The working language of the school is Russian. The co-directors of the school were Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.N. Lykosov and Professor E.P. Gordov.
Conceptual lectures
Special courses
To consolidate and assimilate the material, practical classes on the topics of "Aerosols and Climate Change" (organizer Volodin E.M., ICM RAS, Moscow) and "Assimilation of "Chemical" Data" (Penenko A.V., ICMMG SB RAS, Novosibirsk) were held in equipped computer labs with access to the TSU supercomputer.
As part of the subsequent conference, invited, initiative and oral reports were presented with a full presentation of materials in poster sections. One of the sections was dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.E. Zuev. At the time of the conference, the program was based on the first of the already received invited reports ordered by the Organizing Committee. Famous Russian and foreign specialists planned to present them. In particular, the following confirmed their participation and presented the topics of the invited reports:
A one-day trip along the Tom River was planned during the conference to familiarize themselves with the practical activities of regional environmental protection organizations.
The working languages of the conference were Russian and English. Simultaneous translation was provided during the thematic sections.
CITES-2015 Conference Sections
Section 1 in memory of Academician V.E. Zuev. Modeling and analysis of regional atmospheric processes.
It is known that regional atmospheric processes have a significant impact on the state of the atmosphere on a global scale. Therefore, a very important task was a detailed study of such processes and their adequate consideration in regional climate models. The section was devoted to the results of research and analysis of regional atmospheric processes, as well as regional climate models of the atmosphere.
Section 2. Reports of school participants on the results of completing practical assignments.
During practical classes, groups of 3-4 people completed tasks based on the information and computing resources of TSU. During the section, each group presented a 15-minute report on the results obtained for discussion by the school participants. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of the courses they had attended and the results of the work they had completed.
Section 3. Modeling and analysis of the regional state of the underlying surface and its hydrological regime.
The underlying surface and its hydrological regime are important components of the climate system, significantly influencing its functioning. This section reviewed and discussed reports on the analysis of the current state of the underlying surface and its hydrological regime, as well as modeling the dynamics of the surface under possible climate change scenarios.
Section 4. Modeling and analysis of regional climate.
Climate changes occurring in large regions of the world affected the functioning of the entire Earth system. Therefore, a detailed study of ongoing climate changes at the regional level and their adequate consideration in global climate models was very important. The section was devoted to the discussion of manifestations of regional climate change and regional climate models. In particular, a detailed discussion was held on the state and dynamics of the environment of Northern Eurasia and its relationship with global changes.
Section 5. Data and information and computing systems for Earth sciences.
Various data sets, as well as information and computing systems for their processing, were actively used in forecasting, modeling and interpreting climate and ecosystem changes at different spatial and temporal scales. The section was devoted to the discussion of the availability of data and their formats used in the Earth sciences, data exchange methods, as well as developed information and computing systems for processing data archives. Applied information and computing systems for solving specific problems were presented.
Section 6. Comprehensive study of the state and climate variability of the East Siberian sector of the Arctic.
The East Siberian region of the Arctic shelf is a unique natural complex, where climate changes of recent decades are most noticeable. The region experienced intensive coastal destruction due to warming, large-scale methane emissions were recorded along the Arctic coast of Siberia, which allowed the possibility of methane discharge from gas hydrate structures of permafrost. In particular, the section presented the results of multidisciplinary studies conducted within the framework of the Russian-German project to study the main mechanisms of interaction between land and shelf waters, as well as factors determining the response of Arctic ecosystems to ongoing climate change.
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) SB RAS together with the Institute of Numerical Mathematics (INM) RAS, Space Research Institute (IKI) RAS, A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics (IPA) RAS and the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia held a ten-day scientific and educational event consisting of a school for young scientists on computational and information technologies for environmental sciences CITES-2017 (August 28 – September 2, Tarusa, Intercosmos representative office of IKI RAS) and an international conference (September 3–7, Zvenigorod, Zvenigorodsky Pension) dedicated to the same topic.
The topic of the international school is "Mathematical models of weather and climate forecasting".
The working language of the school is Russian. The director of the school is Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences M.A. Tolstykh.
Conceptual lectures
To consolidate and assimilate the material, the school participants held practical classes (organizers — E.M. Volodin and R.Yu. Fadeev, INM RAS, Moscow). During the classes, groups of 3-4 people completed tasks based on the information and computing resources of the ICM RAS. Each group presented a 15-minute report on the results of their work at the conference. At the end of the event, the school participants received personalized certificates with a list of courses attended and the results of the work completed.
CITES-2017 included the following sections:
The Program Committee invited key specialists to give invited lectures (1 hour) and reports (30 min) on new results and directions of research development. A limited number of reports were selected for oral presentation (15 min), the majority of reports were presented in the form of short oral reports (5 min).
Program Committee Chair:
Program Committee:
School director:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute for Monitoring of Climate and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, with the support of the International Center for Theoretical Physics, the World Climate Research Program and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, organized the International Conference on Computational Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences CITES-2019 (May 27 – June 6, 2019, Moscow, Russia). The event included a school for young scientists (May 27 – June 1, 2019, Moscow, Russia) and a conference (June 2-6).
The main topic of the event was devoted to weather and climate forecasting, from seasonal to decadal. The topics covered ranged from modeling and data assimilation to forecast delivery and practical applications.
During the school, lectures were given by renowned experts in the field of climate variability and forecasting, including members of the World Climate Research Programme Working Group on Seasonal and Long-Term Predictions, members of the World Meteorological Organization Panel of Experts on Operational Forecasts (ET-OPSLS) and the WMO CCl/CBS Interprogramme Panel on Regional Climate Activities. Among them were William Merryfield (Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis, Canada), Laura Ferranti (European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasting, UK), Adrian Tompkins (Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Italy) and Mikhail Tolstykh (Hydrometeorological Centre of the Russian Federation). The lectures were accompanied by a thematic computational practice organized by Adrian Tompkins. The workshop and lectures were held in English.
The CITES-2019 conference featured invited lectures and papers, including oral and short oral papers with full presentations in poster sections.
The CITES-2019 conference sections were devoted to various aspects of Earth system modeling, long-term forecasts and applications. The event invited papers to participate in the conference on the development of Earth system model components, including models of atmospheric, oceanic and surface processes (including the development of dynamic cores), the representation of uncertainties in input data and models, and information and data systems for the Earth sciences. Papers on regional interdisciplinary applied problems covered by the Future Earth Programme and its subproject the Northern Eurasia Futures Initiative were also accepted.
Conference sections:
The working languages of the CITES-2019 conference were Russian and English. Simultaneous translation into English was provided.
The CITES-2019 events were held at the Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
The Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Institute for Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, the Moscow Center for Fundamental and Applied Mathematics and the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia organized the International Event on Computational and Information Technologies for Environmental Sciences CITES-2021 (November 22–27, 2021, Moscow, Russia), which included a conference with elements of a school for young scientists. The event was supported by the RSF project 21-71-30023.
As usual, the main topics of the event were the development of climate models, climate modeling, climate data analysis and tools for its implementation. Particular attention was paid to adaptation to expected climate changes and providing managers with the necessary results of climate analysis. These were the topics on which invited lectures by leading experts were presented, which helped young scientists to obtain fresh information on the most important topics of Earth system sciences and attracted their professional attention to this important area of research.
The CITES-2021 conference also included invited talks, oral and short oral talks with a full presentation of materials in poster sections.
Due to the fact that at that time we had no information about the extension or cancellation of social distancing measures, the conference and school were planned in a mixed format: presentations online and in the hall. Since the experience of holding schools online showed their low efficiency, this year the organizing committee decided that the school part of the program would be held within the framework of the conference and without performing computational practical tasks.
The CITES-2021 conference sections were devoted to various aspects of Earth system modeling and applications. We invited papers to participate in the conference on the development of components of the Earth system model, in particular models of processes in the atmosphere, ocean, and near the Earth's surface (including the development of dynamic cores), the representation of uncertainties in input data and models, and information and data systems for the Earth sciences. We also expected papers on regional interdisciplinary applied problems covered by the Future Earth Programme and its Future of Northern Eurasia Initiative.
Conference Sections
The working languages of the CITES-2021 conference are Russian and English.
The CITES-2021 events were held at the Marchuk Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Research Computing Center of Moscow State University, Moscow.
Program Committee Co-Chairs:
Program Committee:
Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Deputy Chairman of the Organizing Committee:
Organizing Committee:
Scientific Secretary of the Conference:
Conference Secretary:
Registration will be open on this site in February 2025. Stay tuned for updates.
To register you need to:
Abstract submission requirements
The deadline for abstracts is March 31, 2025
Review of submitted applications and sending of notifications of acceptance of articles will be carried out until April 15, 2025.
Registration fee
For online participants without a report, the registration fee is not required.
Details and terms of registration fee payment will be sent to the participants after acceptance of the papers.
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Institute of Monitoring of Climatic and Ecological Systems (IMCES) SB RAS
10/3, Academic Ave., Tomsk, 634055, Russia [visit site] |
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Moscow Center of Fundamental and Applied Mathematics
Leninskie Gory st., 1, Moscow, 119234, Russia [visit site] |
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A.M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics RAS
3, Pyzhevsky lane, Moscow, 119017, Russia [visit site] |
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